
Table 1. Average temporary disability days and claim costs paid for resolved accepted disabling claims by resolution year, Oregon, 1996-2013

Table 2. Average temporary disability days and claim costs paid for resolved accepted disabling claims by insurer type and resolution year, Oregon, 1996-2013

Tables 3 through 6 are not available for accepted disabling claims resolved in 2013 because of differences in coding structure between the Occupational Injury and Illness Classification System (OIICS) 1st Edition and the OIICS 2nd Edition. The department adopted the new edition in 2013 for coding claims going forward, but did not apply it for claims coded in prior years, which make up about a third of claims resolved in 2013. These tables will resume in the future after a sufficient number of resolved claims have been coded according to the OIICS 2nd Edition.

Table 3. Average temporary disability days and claim costs paid for resolved accepted disabling claims by accident event or exposure, Oregon, 2012

Table 4. Average temporary disability days and claim costs paid for resolved accepted disabling claims by nature of injury or disease, Oregon, 2012

Table 5. Average temporary disability days and claim costs paid for resolved accepted disabling claims by part of body affected, Oregon, 2012

Table 6. Average temporary disability days and claim costs paid for resolved accepted disabling claims by source of injury or illness, Oregon, 2012

Table 7. Average temporary disability days and claim costs paid for resolved accepted disabling claims by industry, Oregon, 2013

Printable PDF of all report tables.

If you have questions about the information contained in this document please contact by email or phone: Mike Maier, research analyst, Information Technology and Research Section, Central Services Division, 503-947-7352.

The information in Central Services Division publications is in the public domain and may be reprinted without permission.